#3: I had the worst dream ever!
Me: What was it about?
#3: Donald Trump wasn't president....but because he's so powerful, he made all of us his slaves.
Apparently, it's time to turn off CNN and stop watching the primaries. This is something that we've done every Tuesday for the last few weeks....seeing who wins which states...trying to figure out these uncommitted delegates...going over the pros and cons of each candidate (though the list of cons is much longer and much easier to find on BOTH sides)....and just trying to understand what's going on in our country, their minds, our hearts, and what in the world is going to happen later on in the year.
My kiddos have been talking about politics for a while. I'll be honest, I grew up on a one-sided political line and have always thought you had to vote party lines no matter what. Meeting my fabulous Hubby....I saw the other side of politics....and what I learned? Well, both sides stink. I'm talking a stink like garbage. I love the fact that my #s are interested, but I find it funny how little they know about a candidate and what they do know, they hear from their friends....who are hearing bits and pieces from their parents.
For example, #1 has talked negatively about Donald Trump for the last few months, but he can't really tell me why he's talking negatively about him. He "boos" every time he comes on TV and says how anybody else will do better. And when I question him on it or ask what the other candidates will do that Trump can't, he can't tell me really why he doesn't want him to be president, he just doesn't.
#2 really wants to know if one of them will make recess mandatory and longer and make everybody play sports....I can't say that any of the candidates are like that, but I'm pretty sure that if he sees one of the candidates playing ball, he'd vote for that one.
#3 is afraid of Trump....and doesn't know the other ones....but he still thinks that if Trump wins, he'll be a slave to him and have to serve him food. I mean, I'm thinking that I bet he'd have a gorgeous house to live in! :-)
I remember when I was a little girl, I stayed up WAY too late and I had to color a map of the United States as the numbers came in to decide who would be president. I don't remember talking about political lines, political agendas, nothing....I just remember coloring in the states. I also remember growing up and hearing one side of politics and really not understanding anything. I mean, I was a free-spirited, OCD type of girl who liked a schedule and didn't really care about anything that didn't affect me like politics, right???? ha ha!
As I hear all of these candidates speak out of both sides of their mouth so eloquently, I am frustrated that I can't really show the #s what each candidate will do for the future of United States of America. I can, however, show them how to tear someone down, how to team up with another candidate to block another, how to show hate, how to beat around the bush when it comes to answering questions, how to say one thing and do another, how to cuss, how to place blame, how to hurt others, how to lie, how to deceive, how to win, how not to win, how to lose, how not to lose, how to see which news station is cheering for, how to roll their eyes, how to be sarcastic, and how to answer a question with another question. Honestly, it's probably an education that will do them good later in life.
Now, before you say "oh she's voting for so and so" or "I know who she likes"....you don't....cuz I don't. I want to make a great, informed decision based on knowledge....based on the research that I've done...not someone else's research....not someone else's opinion. I had a great conversation with my dad the other day about how I have got to look at everything when voting for our future president....but I know that whoever is president, I still have a God that takes care of me, loves me, and, actually, already knows who will be president and what path America will be going towards.
So after the #s were bathed and ready for bed, we did our Bible study and it was actually titled "World of Wars". The lesson talked about politics and how it doesn't matter who is president, governor, etc....we're still going to have wars and not have total peace, but how wonderful we have it as Christians as we get to look forward to Heaven. It was nice to be able to tell the #s that we have peace in God and not to worry about these political things....YES, we need to vote, YES we need to be informed, but whatever happens, God has blessed and will continue to take care of Our Life By Numbers!