Monday, June 29, 2015

They Eat What I Ate

When I was pregnant with #1, I ate such great healthy food.  I mean, I had a salad every day and craved granny smith apples.  There was one time where I was in bed and had to have Hubby go to the store because I needed a granny smith apple....right then. 

Four years later, I was pregnant with #2 and craved dessert....chocolate, cinnamon, chocolate, cheesecake, chocolate.  Did I mention chocolate?!?!?!?  There were times where I would eat dessert before I ate the meal....or eat dessert for breakfast!

Eleven months later, I was sick as a dog with #3.  Eating made me sick and the thought of food made me want to throw up.  I ate a ton of crackers and put down a lot of sprite....and sometimes that was even too much. 

I write all this to say that, in my case, my #s eat exactly what I craved when I was pregnant with them.  #1 eats salads all the time, loves fresh fruit and actually will be the kiddo that tries new foods.  #2 would eat desserts 24/7 if I allowed it.  And #3?  Well, let's just say that the "crouton, cheetoh, cheese sandwich that he ate tonight for dinner says it all......'s always interesting in our life with numbers!  

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