Friday, June 12, 2015

Cable has made me stupid....

I'm sitting in the den watching "Celebrity Wife Swap".  Where have we gotten in the world that we need to swap spouses for a week so they can change the way we live?  It doesn't stop there, for an entire day that I was on surgery leave, I watched a show that featured three male real estate agents who sold multi-million dollar homes, but argued like children when they had to work together.  You think that's bad?  What about a reality show where the church picks out a girlfriend/boyfriend for someone?  Wait...there's more....a show called Preach.  Listen, I'm not saying that these shows are bad so you can save the negative comments...I'm just saying "REALLY"!?!?!??!  But yet, I have sat and watched through EVERY one of these shows....and I'm sure that they will creep back into my tv watching. 

This week we had VBS at church.  Because Hubby loves me so much....or I am very good at talking people into what they really don't want to do....He joined us on stage to sing and dance.  Today he told me that the tops of his legs hurt and he thinks it's from all the dancing that he did this week.  I just looked at him.  I dance every day with a bunch of kiddos that have more energy than a squirrel on red bull for 6 hours a day....this is would be a "no whining" subject. :)

So after the second day of VBS, the #s and I were driving home and I heard them talking about the story of Jonah...
#2:  Yeah, I mean Jonah was eaten by a whale.
#3:  Nope, not a whale.
#2:  You're right, it's a fish.
#1:  And then God had Jonah spit out of the fish.
#2:  He learned a powerful lesson.
#3:  Yes, it's a great story.
Me:  (thinking this is FABULOUS)  Is that what you learned in VBS today?!?!?!?!
#3:  No....I don't remember what we learned today....but I know the story of Jonah.

Now, don't get me wrong, they are totally into VBS...but there were more into Jonah and him inside of a fish than anything else.

We did learn the Bible verse from 2 Timothy 4:7-8 this week and the #s know it well...and with motions.  "I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race.  I have kept the faith.  Now there is a crown waiting for me.  It is given to those who are right with the Lord"....I'm not sure if this conversation came from this verse or from a sermon that our pastor taught a few weeks ago...
#1:  UGH!  What would Jesus do?!?!?
#3:  He would punch you!
....I'm pretty sure I need to teach #3 that Jesus wouldn't be going around punching people.  Right??!?

Not only did we have VBS, but #1 was headed to camp the next day.  That meant all of his clothes had to be cleaned so we could figure out what he was taking.  Now you're looking at 10 outfits....I don't even know what boys call them, but that's the word mine are learning over here....the kid only had 10 pair of underwear.  Two nights before camp, we had to go to the store and buy him underwear just so he would have some at home BEFORE he went to camp.  So then I got to people have more than 10 pair of underwear?  I mean, I went searching and I only have 6 or 7.  I'll be lucky if #2 and #3 have five pair each.  Seriously....10 pair of underwear for camp.  So now #1 has 16 pair of underwear....which, in my opinion, is entirely too much underwear for one kid.

Packing for #1 is always fun for me.  I get to organize and make lists and label's like my own slice of OCD heaven for me.....
....I'm thinking I might need help for this.

As I finish up, I'm waiting on #1 to call.  Hubby had a gig with the band he's in (yes, pastors can have fun and be in bands), #2 and #3 are asleep taking care of #1's stuffed animals, and I'm waiting to hear that #1 made it through the zip-lining group.  I mean, there's no reason to worry while your small, skinny son is strapped to a rope and zipping through tall trees, right?  RIGHT!?!!??!?!??!

Good night friends.....tomorrow is a new day in our life with numbers!

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