Tuesday, June 30, 2015

WHAT!?!?!?!? Oh No He Didn't!!!!!

Sooooo.....#2 accepted Jesus in his heart Sunday.  He's talked about it before and then goes off on some tangent so we never continued the conversation.  Here's my thing....if my kid comes up to me and talks about Jesus and brings ice cream into the same conversation, I'm not going to assume that he's exactly ready to be serious to talk to me.  (Save the nasty e-mails...trust me, I'm not winning any "parent of the year" award, so I will say I could be wrong in this thinking.)

Sunday night I'm picking up the den while #2 is eating a popsicle and he brings up how he's a Christian.  I continued to do what I was doing (I mean, the den was a mess) and I casually said "well, you're not a Christian so that's not how it would work for you".  Then he stopped eating (now we're getting serious) and he said "well, I need to be". 

We talked about how being a Christian means that he also will be an example to others.  We talked about what being a Christian means when he plays sports and goes to school and is even at home with his family.  We talked about how it's not always easy (can I get an AMEN!?!!?!?), but he will have a ton of people that will walk with him in life. 

Let me tell you.....he sat beside me on the couch and prayed his little heart out.  I mean, his prayer to Jesus was the most innocent thing I've ever heard...things like....
"please let the door to my heart be open for Jesus to live in there forever"
"let me be the Christian that you want me to be"
.....after hearing his prayer, I wanted to ask Jesus to help me pray like him.  Melt.  My.  Heart. 

Well......here's where it all goes wrong....see, for two years (yes, #2 has been talking about this for two years now) #2 has told me that he wants me to baptize him.  Selfishly, I have dreamed about this day....and even gotten nervous about having to speak in front of people when I do it.  And after #2 prayed, he said he wanted me to baptize him (cue heavenly music and angels singing). 

And then today he said "well, you know, Pastor G is nice....I think I might want him to baptize me".  WHAT!?!?!!?!?!???!?!?  Oh no he didn't!!!!!  Did I just hear correctly!?!?!?!!??  Now, don't get me wrong, I love our pastor and I am so incredibly glad that he and his family are in our lives....but because he's nice?  NICE?!?!?!??!?!  I mean, I've had my body cut up to get this kid out of me...I feed this kid more than what horse trainers feed their horses....I take him to every practice and game he has....AND I TAKE HIM TO CHURCH!!!!!

Okay....I'm calm.  Like I said (or maybe I've totally forgotten this altogether) I am so thankful and proud of #2 and his precious decision to follow Jesus!  I smile every time I think that two of my three children have opened their hearts to Jesus.

Now I'm off to tuck my precious #2 in bed....and see what I need to do to be back in the running on July 12th for the baptism. 

Save the e-mails.....I promise, I'm not perfect in our life by numbers!  :)

Monday, June 29, 2015

They Eat What I Ate

When I was pregnant with #1, I ate such great healthy food.  I mean, I had a salad every day and craved granny smith apples.  There was one time where I was in bed and had to have Hubby go to the store because I needed a granny smith apple....right then. 

Four years later, I was pregnant with #2 and craved dessert....chocolate, cinnamon, chocolate, cheesecake, chocolate.  Did I mention chocolate?!?!?!?  There were times where I would eat dessert before I ate the meal....or eat dessert for breakfast!

Eleven months later, I was sick as a dog with #3.  Eating made me sick and the thought of food made me want to throw up.  I ate a ton of crackers and put down a lot of sprite....and sometimes that was even too much. 

I write all this to say that, in my case, my #s eat exactly what I craved when I was pregnant with them.  #1 eats salads all the time, loves fresh fruit and actually will be the kiddo that tries new foods.  #2 would eat desserts 24/7 if I allowed it.  And #3?  Well, let's just say that the "crouton, cheetoh, cheese sandwich that he ate tonight for dinner says it all......

...it's always interesting in our life with numbers!  

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Could We LEAVE Any Faster????

My motto....
 And here's why....
I absolutely LOVE #3....but when the kid wants to do something, he stops everything and does it.  The house could be on fire and this kid will be like "give me another three minutes, I'm not finished picking out a stuffed animal yet".  Yes, I've read all about "let the children be children, don't rush them, let them do things on their own time"....BUT SOMETIMES I HAVE TO ACTUALLY BE SOMEWHERE AT A CERTAIN TIME!  And it doesn't matter if I wake him up earlier, start the getting ready process earlier, nothing.  He ALWAYS finds something to slow him down.  This happens to be a picture when he decided to sweep our front porch......
Me:  We need to go.
#3:  (picks up broom) Well, the porch needs sweeping.
Me:  Seriously....we have to go....
#3:  (continues to sweep)  But the porch has outdoor stuff on it.
Me:  Cuz it's in the outdoors....we have to go.
#3:  I'm not ready....I'm cleaning.
Me:  (takes broom) It's time to go.
....cue meltdown. 

And this is life with #3.  I know that one day I'll look at him when he's taking care of me and be so happy that he takes his time with me...but now I want him to hurry....maybe even if it's just every so often...maybe just when we're going out the door!

#1 has informed me that he doesn't like being the oldest anymore.   I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do about that....it's not like I can birth a 16 year old....
#1:  I just don't like being the oldest.
Me:  Well, that's the way it is.
#1:  You have to realize that my inner child is in control.

....I'm pretty sure that this conversation happened after he got in trouble for something.  I mean, he's right, he's a kiddo at heart and I love it, but geez....Hubby and I have told him numerous times that we were the oldest and that's just the way it is....and #1 proceeds to tell us that just because "that's the way it is" doesn't mean he has to like it.  Good point....but that's the way it is. 

At church today, I got to see some precious camp kiddos.  A lot asked how it was with going to camp with #2.  So picture this....an eight year old has a scavenger camp with all of his belongings throughout the week.  Yes, that's pretty much how it was.  If I didn't have a chaperone bring me something of his, I had a CentriKid counselor letting me know that they found his name tag and money.  So for five days, we had a scavenger hunt....and we still haven't found his swimsuit. 

The best conversation I had today was about how our boys are completely different.  Different likes and different personalities....it keeps us on our toes and that's our life by numbers!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

I survived camp....with #2!

I don't write "survive" as I laugh....I truly mean that #2 and I survived camp together.  See....#2 and I are identical...almost like looking in the mirror.  So I knew that this was an experience that either I would enjoy....or I would beg not to go back with him next year.  As #3 would say "Good luck that we had a good time"....and we'll be going back to camp together next year.

It all started last week with me sick to my stomach that I had to drive a van.  Not a mini-van, but a van that is the size of a semi-truck....Okay, it's not that big, but it shakes and it hard to control and I was sick that I even had to drive a bunch of kiddos in this thing.  When I tell you that we prayed each and every time we got in that van in so exaggeration.  We got to camp in one piece.....my white knuckles and sore muscles are a different story. 

If you don't know, #2 is allergic to latex.  He doesn't really care about his allergy....that is also not an exaggeration.  This is a kid that picked up a balloon one time and thought that just because it doesn't have air in it, then it must not be latex.  Nice.  We have to watch him all the time....in every sport, in every place he enters....he just doesn't get it. 

So we enter McDonald's for lunch with all these camp kiddos.  Happy meals are going everywhere and in the middle of me passing out food, #2 comes up to me and says "I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to eat this".....HOLY COW IT'S STRAWBERRY/BANANA YOGURT!!!!!!  Wait....did #2 just realize that he wasn't supposed to eat bananas because he's allergic to them!?!?!?!?  Time stood still as I hug him and tell him how proud I am that he caught this before he ate it.  And then time began when kiddos got louder for more happy meals. 

We really had a fabulous week at camp.  #2 was in heaven when he found out that he could eat whatever he wanted and as much as he could handle.  One of the meals for lunch was grilled cheese, chips, veggies and dip.  This is what #2 got....
....yes, that's chips, carrots and cocoa puffs....with a fork.  I truly don't know how this kid is gonna survive when he gets older.  He also was very excited that cotton candy was given at one of our lunches....and he got it before he ate his lunch....cuz I mean, what if thousands of pounds of cotton candy went away in 45 minutes?!?!!?!??

At one point, I did ask #2 where his drawstring bag was....
#2:  It's in the room.
Me:  Don't you need it?
#2:  No, my Bible cover came off?
Me:  Wait, how did your Bible cover come off?
#2:  When you use the Bible a lot, it gets worn.
(sounds fishy)
Me:  Don't you need your bag for your epi-pen?
#2:  Oh, I didn't get my epi-pen....so I haven't been carrying it around with me.
Me:  If you don't get your epi-pen, don't come crying to me if you die.
#2:  I won't....if I die, I won't necessarily need it, right?

UGH!!!  This kid just comes up with this from the top of his head....no waiting....no pausing....just as smart alleck as his mother. 

The coolest part of our camp is how accommodating the staff was to #2's latex allergy.  I know that they do the same thing around the USA with the CentriKid camps, but I was always bummed that #1 couldn't participate in the big OMC (organized mass chaos) event that they promote all week long.  So I did a lot of calling and e-mailing and when I got to camp, they did tell me that balloons would be present, but that they totally went away from latex gloves in the kitchen.  So I was bummed that #2 couldn't do OMC, but I did let #2 know that before we went to camp.  Well, on OMC day, the director came to me and handed me a stack full of paper and told me that #2 would have his own bucket of items and he could participate.  I was elated and so was #2!!!!  The part that made my heart melt is that two of his little friends wanted to do #2's OMC with him.  Talk about having to keep it together!  This is showing the love of Christ friends....and I was so honored to witness it!  So in the end, this is what #2 and I looked like.....

We came home Thursday and it was great to see Hubby and #1 and #3.  Lots of hugs were given, stories were told and naps were taken.  This picture makes me happy.....cuz it shows us back to our life by numbers.....

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Let's Get this Wedding Started.....

Don't get me wrong....I LOVE the people that get married...but I'm just not good at weddings.  I critique all the music.  I judge the dresses.  I time the wedding.  It's just not good for anybody.  It got worse when I had kids.  I'd dress them up in uncomfortable clothes and tell them to be quiet for an entire 30 minutes.....and if we went to one of my Catholic family weddings.....then I had to explain why we weren't speaking in English and why the service was lasting so long.

Until today, the last wedding that I can vividly remember attending with my #s is one of my family members.  #3 wasn't talking all that much and would randomly scream to get my attention.  Nothing like taking that to a wedding, huh?  As we're talking to family members and getting ready to take our seat, we remind the #s that they can sit for a bit and afterwards, they can have all the cake they can possibly stuff in their mouth.  They were excited, we were excited....we were one big excited family!

So the wedding party walks down the aisle, the mood is set, the prayer is being said and the next thing I hear is "EHHHH".  I am thinking "surely #3 didn't just scream....in the middle of a prayer".  Again the "EHHHHH".  I look at Hubby and he looks at me.  #1 and #2 are about to lose it.  Their cheeks are puffed out with laughter about to burst out of their lips.  They are shaking uncontrollably....just trying to hold it in.  "EHHHHH".  They lose it.  I give the "if you make any more sounds I would take your vocal chords out of your throat" look and they quickly try to gain their composure.  Hubby looks at me and smiles and volunteers to take #3 out by stretching out his arms.  Oh no.....I'm the one that can't stand weddings...I'm going.  I pick up #3 "EHHHHH".  Seriously kid, please stop trying to get my attention....you have it and we're leaving.  "EHHHHHH".

So I go into the "Cry Room".  It's located just outside the door to the auditorium.  I walk in the room and close the door.  There are three glider rockers, no toys.  I don't go into many cry rooms because I usually just leave my screaming child in the Sunday School class and run.  So as I'm looking around, I'm thinking that this just doesn't look like a cry room....but it will work.  "EHHHHHH".  I don't try to keep #3 quiet.....I'm in a soundproof cry room.  "EHHHHHH".  Keep talking kid.  You won't bother me now.  "EHHHHHH".  As I'm looking through the window watching the ceremony, "EHHHHH".....I look and see #1 and #2 shaking.  What is so funny?  "EHHHHH"  Seriously, why are they...."EHHHHH".  Wait....can they hear #3?  "EHHHHH"  The shaking from #1 and #2 continue and Hubby looks back.  "EHHHHH"  The next thing out of my mouth is "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD #3....THIS ROOM ISN'T SOUNDPROOF...THEY CAN HEAR YOU".  "EHHHHHH" And #2 and #3 lose it.  Hubby turns around and smiles.  Oh yeah, they can hear me too.

Needless to say, weddings just aren't my thing....but today's wedding was between two very special people that my family absolutely ADORES...we had to go to this one!  We couldn't miss it!!!  I met some wonderful people, rekindled friendships, shared my Hubby as the pastor, and brought along the #s.  We started off with not having this battle....we just let him wear it.....there's nothing like Mr. Incredible attending a wedding.
 And then if that isn't enough, he decided that he didn't want to wear it anymore....luckily there were clothes under that costume.  The wedding was beautiful....it was outside and the wind was blowing.  Hubby performed the ceremony for our fabulous friends....so he was up front.  The #s were sitting in the back row....and I was standing in the back.  We could at least head them off if they went to the front or the back....if they went to either side, we were in trouble.

During the ceremony, #3 started rocking in a non-rocking chair.  I could not deal with screaming today...so I quietly told him he could move....so he danced in front of a tree.  After the wedding, I looked and all three #s are stuffing the leftover bubbles down their pants....yes, down their pants.  The only thing I could think of is "we made it through"....I mean "they're married".  :)  I looked at the #s and smiled and then heard "EHHHHH" and crying.  Time. To. Go. 

So....please don't be offended if I don't come to your wedding or we leave soon after it is over.  Be prepared for a picture with a superhero or see some of the #s have party favors stuffed in their pants.  And if we do get to stay, make sure you have enough cake so they can have three platefuls...and a cook that miraculously has bread and cheese for my picky eater.  And be prepared to have a story...a story to tell for a lifetime....cuz I sure do with our life with numbers!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Should NOT Have Had to Talk About This Today

The last thing you want to do is explain to anybody why someone has so much hatred that they would enter a church building and kill people....well, make that "anybody" my 8 year old boy and that's what I had to do today.  See....#2 is infatuated with my phone.  He will get it and read all the CNN news alerts and any text messages that I have (yes, I'm working with him on this one) when he picks it up.  There were a lot of alerts on my phone about the shooting in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church building in South Carolina and #2 happened to read them all.  Now, we're not gonna shield our #s from this kind of stuff, but it's not what I wanted to discuss this morning before breakfast.  From #2, the questions came pouring in:
Why would someone kill people worshiping God?
Why would he want to sit with them and then kill them?
Does he not believe in God?
Why does he hate people?
What do you mean he doesn't like their skin color?
What's wrong with people's skin color?
Are we safe at our church?
Will God keep us safe at church?
What happens if someone comes in and tries to kill me or you?

All I could do was think "why in the world do I have to explain this to my child"?!?!?!? 

As I answered his questions, I held back tears.  Tears that I have to explain about hatred and murder and how some people can't stand other people and how no matter what happens, God loves him.  Tears....tears I tell ya. 

We talked about safety measures in our schools and church.  We talked about how God made us different and He loves every one of us, but evil gets in people's minds and hearts and they don't follow God and they want everybody to be the same.  We talked about how we have to love people.  How we need to remember that God loves us very much.....

So, as I reflect on all the funny things that happened today and all the BLAH things that happened today.....I realize that being a parent and teaching my #s about love is how today went with our life by numbers. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Picture this.....

....you're sleeping soundly with the fan gently blowing on your face, the heated blanket keeping you warm and the darkness of the bedroom making you think that it might be 2am or 3am.  Then, out of nowhere....
FLICK!  JUMP!  "MOMMY!!!!!  Guess what.....it's morning and we have a busy day....I've planned it all (still jumping on the bed) for us....we are going to eat breakfast, exercise together, go swimming for a bit, get ready to go out, play Super Mario Brothers...your favorite game, run all of the errands that you have, drop #1 off at youth group, come home....and then YOU can come up with what we do after that.....SOUND LIKE A PLAN!?!?!??!?!"

As I looked at #2 with his happy eyes and smiling face, I kept thinking:
I love him.
Do not yell.
He will not leave if I say I'll be up in a minute.
Is it really not 3am?
Remember....this is my child and I love him....even right now I love him.

As I'm getting breakfast ready, #1 looks at me and says "seriously, it's summer...can we not have ONE DAY of nothing planned".....as if I planned this day.  Then he had the nerve to say "I mean, aren't YOU the parent".

So we did everything on #2's list.  We also included a slushy because we survived all of the errands that I had.  The hardest errand we had should have been the simplest....a sheet for our camp beds and gallon plastic bags.  I don't know why it was the hardest, but for some reason, the #s couldn't stop picking at each other. 

One of the things that I do when my kiddos can't stop picking at each other is I make them put their hands on their bellies.  I know it sounds crazy, but you have no idea how much they hate this.  Picture three boys, walking through a store and they all have their hands on their bellies.  It's quite humorous and they want to be good right away because, for some reason, my kids don't think their hands go on their bellies. 

Well, #3 had a rough time in the store today with keeping his hands off of his brothers and off of everything he passed in the store....so the punishment was he had to put his hands on his belly.  So as he's walking around the store with me, I hear....
"can I take my hands off my belly now"
"how about now"
"my hands don't want to be on my belly anymore"
"my hands don't like my belly"
"my belly says my hands smell"
"I.  AM.  NOT.  HAPPY."

Seriously....this happened from one side of the store all the way to the checkout aisle and out the door.  Did you know people love to stare???!?!?  They also love to whisper.  I'm thinking...the kid has his hands on his belly....I'm not hurting him, I'm not yelling at him....his hands are touching his belly.....get over it people.  This is called creative parenting...and we do this a lot in our life by numbers!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I was in the mood to receive the Mom of the Year award

What better way to win that fabulous award than to go furniture shopping with two children....an eight and six year old??!?!  Seriously, I can't even believe we went back the second day, but there's nothing like saying over and over...and in EVERY store....
"get off the couch"
"I've taught you better than that"
"get your feet of the cushions"
"stop yelling"
"I've taught you better than that"
"no more climbing over the back of the couch"
"the entire store doesn't need to hear that you like/don't like the couch"
"no we are not buying a couch with power recliner"
"there is no reason to buy a couch with a fridge in it...and who even makes that"
"saying 'please buy this I love it' is not the best technique....I've taught you better than that".

At one point, #2 told the salesperson that this is the 8th store that we've been in and he's ready to buy a couch.  I just looked at him.  He smiled and plopped himself on the couch and pulled out the recliner...yes, that was the second time we had been in that store and he was done.  Done with me.  Done with bribes.  Done with couches.

We promised #2 and #3 everything under the sun if they would just behave....and we paid up at the end of our search....boy, did we pay.  We decided that the toy store would be a nice treat.  #3 had to look at every toy that this toy store carried.  I'm not saying every toy in the sports aisle or even every toy in the aisle that he is interested in.  I'm saying EVERY TOY.  By the time we were going through the aisles for the second time, I told him he had five minutes.  There is nothing like a six year old crossing his arms, glaring at you and breathing out of his nose so loudly that the store employees immediately stop what they're doing because they know that something is about to blow....and it's gonna be this kid.  My heart starts beating rapidly, my eyes squint and I am praying with all of my might that we don't have a meltdown right here....not in the Spongebob Squarepants aisle....there are too many people here and I can't handle it after sofa searching all day.  By the grace of God (and I truly mean that) a toy started making noises that clicked #3 out of that soon-to-be meltdown and started him giggling...and all was right with the world.  If I knew what toy made the sound and who pressed it, I would have bought all of the toys and paid that person a hundred dollars!!!!!

So #1 went to church camp this week.  He was thrilled and called me each night at 10:30pm to tell me what a great time he was having and how tired he was.  He lived through his zip-lining experience and told me that he loves to zip-line over the water (WHAT!?!??!?!?!  OVER WATER!?!?!!??!  HE COULD HAVE SUNK!?!?!??!?!) and how much he loves to fish now.  His first middle school/junior high camp was a success and I am so happy that he had such loving people in his life....for example....his youth pastor....

See, #1 lost some of his money.  In fact, I later found out he lost two of his bags of money.  When he told me on the phone that night, I was about to give him the big speech about how "he needs to be responsible and how we talked about keeping it in his bag and how I can't hand him money all the time" (you know, all the parent stuff you think you're supposed to tell a kid that just lost $19)....but then #1 told me that his youth pastor talked to the group about how one day when he lost his wallet and how his dad told him that he could give him the lecture of how to be responsible, but instead, he said how his dad gave him the money that he lost in his wallet because that is what Jesus does....gives us things that we don't deserve.  MOTHER OF THE YEAR FAILURE AWARD!!!   Okay, I'll admit, I don't have the gift of mercy....never have had it....probably something I need to work on in our life by numbers.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cable has made me stupid....

I'm sitting in the den watching "Celebrity Wife Swap".  Where have we gotten in the world that we need to swap spouses for a week so they can change the way we live?  It doesn't stop there, for an entire day that I was on surgery leave, I watched a show that featured three male real estate agents who sold multi-million dollar homes, but argued like children when they had to work together.  You think that's bad?  What about a reality show where the church picks out a girlfriend/boyfriend for someone?  Wait...there's more....a show called Preach.  Listen, I'm not saying that these shows are bad so you can save the negative comments...I'm just saying "REALLY"!?!?!??!  But yet, I have sat and watched through EVERY one of these shows....and I'm sure that they will creep back into my tv watching. 

This week we had VBS at church.  Because Hubby loves me so much....or I am very good at talking people into what they really don't want to do....He joined us on stage to sing and dance.  Today he told me that the tops of his legs hurt and he thinks it's from all the dancing that he did this week.  I just looked at him.  I dance every day with a bunch of kiddos that have more energy than a squirrel on red bull for 6 hours a day....this is would be a "no whining" subject. :)

So after the second day of VBS, the #s and I were driving home and I heard them talking about the story of Jonah...
#2:  Yeah, I mean Jonah was eaten by a whale.
#3:  Nope, not a whale.
#2:  You're right, it's a fish.
#1:  And then God had Jonah spit out of the fish.
#2:  He learned a powerful lesson.
#3:  Yes, it's a great story.
Me:  (thinking this is FABULOUS)  Is that what you learned in VBS today?!?!?!?!
#3:  No....I don't remember what we learned today....but I know the story of Jonah.

Now, don't get me wrong, they are totally into VBS...but there were more into Jonah and him inside of a fish than anything else.

We did learn the Bible verse from 2 Timothy 4:7-8 this week and the #s know it well...and with motions.  "I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race.  I have kept the faith.  Now there is a crown waiting for me.  It is given to those who are right with the Lord"....I'm not sure if this conversation came from this verse or from a sermon that our pastor taught a few weeks ago...
#1:  UGH!  What would Jesus do?!?!?
#3:  He would punch you!
....I'm pretty sure I need to teach #3 that Jesus wouldn't be going around punching people.  Right??!?

Not only did we have VBS, but #1 was headed to camp the next day.  That meant all of his clothes had to be cleaned so we could figure out what he was taking.  Now you're looking at 10 outfits....I don't even know what boys call them, but that's the word mine are learning over here....the kid only had 10 pair of underwear.  Two nights before camp, we had to go to the store and buy him underwear just so he would have some at home BEFORE he went to camp.  So then I got to thinking....do people have more than 10 pair of underwear?  I mean, I went searching and I only have 6 or 7.  I'll be lucky if #2 and #3 have five pair each.  Seriously....10 pair of underwear for camp.  So now #1 has 16 pair of underwear....which, in my opinion, is entirely too much underwear for one kid.

Packing for #1 is always fun for me.  I get to organize and make lists and label things....it's like my own slice of OCD heaven for me.....
....I'm thinking I might need help for this.

As I finish up, I'm waiting on #1 to call.  Hubby had a gig with the band he's in (yes, pastors can have fun and be in bands), #2 and #3 are asleep taking care of #1's stuffed animals, and I'm waiting to hear that #1 made it through the zip-lining group.  I mean, there's no reason to worry while your small, skinny son is strapped to a rope and zipping through tall trees, right?  RIGHT!?!!??!?!??!

Good night friends.....tomorrow is a new day in our life with numbers!

To schedule or not to schedule....

This week has been our first week off for the summer break.  Now, for the past 177 we have had a schedule every day...this includes the weekends.  Every weekday morning we wake up, Hubby carries #3 into the dining room to eat breakfast, the #s have a routine.  In fact, #3 actually will come up to me, give me a hug and say "Rule #1....(hugs me)....check".  I know, I know....it's sad, but it works for us....especially with a kid that HAS to have a schedule.

Well, this week, we've had a schedule, but it's been different.  OH NO....DIFFERENT!!??!?!!?!  #3 has had a horrible time with this thing called "summer schedule"....also known as "we do it on our own time please don't make us have a routine for the next two months".  He's back to wearing costumes, yelling, crying, refusing to do things, etc.  Before you say "just a good spanking will help him out", let me tell you that we've tried everything with this kiddo.  To top it off, he's been diagnosed with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) which just makes things ten times harder.

So one day this week, I am frantically getting ready because I had to be somewhere (seriously, do we have to have a schedule this summer) and #3 is hitting and yelling at #1.  I.  Am.  Done.  I told him to sit on the step until I can figure out what happens next...which will be me finishing my hair and make-up.  After about 10 minutes, I hear this.....

(sweetly)  Mommy?  Mommy?  Mommy?  Mommmmmy?
Me:  Yes
#3: Can I get off the steps now?
Me: Do you think you can stop yelling at people?
#3: No.
Me: Do you think you can be nice?
#3: No.
Me: Then you're not ready to get off the steps.

At least he knows that he's not gonna stop yelling and hitting, right?  :) The next day, I wake up to #3 saying "I love you so much and I'm gonna hug you all day and never let you go".  I know you're thinking how sweet that is....and trust me, it is sweet....but do you know how hard it is to pee with a kid hugging you all day?

But then we go from hugging me all day to....
#1:  Mooommm.....#3 just tried to lick me!
#3:  I didn't try to lick you....I tried to bite you!

We LOVE summer break!  We all need the time away from the regular routine and I am blessed to be able to be at home in the summer since I teach.  But the summer sure does bring about an interesting time with our life by  numbers!

Welcome to my world....enter at your own risk!

To set the record straight, I'm not really all that funny.  I am extremely sarcastic (which I'm working on) and most people either get me....or they don't.  I'm a "tell it like it is" girl....I don't beat around the bush....I love to be around people one day and the next day I'd rather stay in the house and watch tv all day and speak to no one except my family....and sometimes not even them.

So why in the world am I writing a blog?  I like to talk....I like to share....and I like to make people laugh....and apparently I need to put that extra tv time to good use.  We'll see how long I keep this up....this could be the only post or I could love to embarrass myself and my family and this could stay for a while.  Either way, let's get started.....

I'm 37 years old and I teach music.  It's absolutely the best career in the whole wide world!  I get to sing, dance, act goofy, play instruments, and teach kiddos from all kinds of backgrounds my passion for the arts.  It's a pretty sweet gig if I do say so myself.

Hubby is the most awesome gift that God could have given me!  We've been married since 1999 (I put that because I am that woman that can't remember how many years we've been married right off the bat) and the good Lord knows that we have been through so much....lots of highs, lots of lows....but we're always together through thick and thin.  Holy cow.....16 years this December!  Hubby is a campus pastor at our 3rd location at our church.  I'm guessing that God knew that I needed a pastor to be in my life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We have three boys.  We call them "#s".  I started that a while back when Facebook was open to everybody on the earth and decided to not call them by name.  Well, I'm that mom that actually calls them #1, #2 and #3 in public....and they answer to it! You'll get to know them more in future posts, but here's a run down of them:

#1 will be in 7th grade this year.  I said that Jesus was coming back before I ever had a 13 year old....so there's less than a year before Jesus comes back.  #1 plays the trombone, loves to play on his phone and thinks it's cool that he has armpit hair.  Once I caught him combing it....yes folks, that's a normal morning for us. He even has a special "armpit hair comb" that we keep in the bathroom.

#2 will be in the 3rd grade and he's our athlete.  Now, Hubby and I have no athletic ability whatsoever.  I mean, I exercise and Hubby played a year on the junior high basketball team, but that's the extent of us being "athletes".  #2, on the other hand, came out of the womb with a ball in his hand (keep it clean folks).  He plays football, basketball and soccer and will make anything a competition....brushing his teeth, peeing in the toilet, eating the fastest....you name it, it's a competition.

#3 will be in the 2nd grade and is our electronic guru.  This kid can hack into a password protected Macintosh computer and start playing games in a matter of minutes....he did that during preschool orientation.  #3 loves his family, but just does not like people in general.  This kid has been through a rough time in life as he's had many ups and down medically.  He's been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, Anxiety and Separation Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  This kid has taught me that you have to laugh in life or you'll just cry all the time.

So....I guess I write "welcome" in hopes that you enjoy this blog.  There will be tears, laughter, anger....and then a mixed bag of emotions all coming at the same time like a panic attach coming on a full speed....that is our life by numbers!