A few months ago I signed up to do this thing called
“GORUCK”. I will honestly tell you that
I had no idea what it was, but my friends were doing it (talk about peer
pressure) and I wanted to be a part of it.
And I’m not talking about just my friends…I’m talking about my life
group. Surely my life group wouldn’t get
me into something that I couldn’t do, right?
So Hubby and I sign up and next thing we know…like a month
later…the #s have a football game the Saturday of GORUCK. Well, surely it will be an early game…we’ll
go to that, drop the kiddos with family and then head to Nashville. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. And then the schedule came out…12pm. Ugh. I
can’t miss their game…it’s the last game of the season. I can’t do this. They need me.
So I had a talk with Hubby…
Me: We can’t miss
their game.
Hubby: Why don’t I stay with the boys and you go?
Me: But they need me.
Hubby: They’ll be fine…I’ll be there with them.
Me: Will you pray with them like I always do?
Hubby: Yes.
Me: Will you keep me updated with the score?
Hubby: Yes.
Me: But…
Hubby: You’ll be fine…
Me: And…
Hubby: They’ll be fine…
Me: Okay…I’m gonna do this!
Hubby: Why don’t I stay with the boys and you go?
Me: But they need me.
Hubby: They’ll be fine…I’ll be there with them.
Me: Will you pray with them like I always do?
Hubby: Yes.
Me: Will you keep me updated with the score?
Hubby: Yes.
Me: But…
Hubby: You’ll be fine…
Me: And…
Hubby: They’ll be fine…
Me: Okay…I’m gonna do this!
It ended up that our group of 8-10 dwindled down for 4 for
one reason or another. And I kept
thinking that I don’t need to do this.
What was I getting myself into?
Why in the world would I sign up for this military, exercise, walking
around Nashville, wearing a backpack with as much weight as I take to school,
not knowing what in the world I was doing ordeal as an all day event?
We drive down to Nashville and I’m already nervous. For those of you that don’t know me, I get
real quiet around people I don’t know…and when I’m nervous, I just kinda turn
into an introvert. So altogether, there
are 26 of us. We’re a weird crowd to
look at…all dressed up in costume, wearing backpacks. There are men dressed up as grandmas, satan,
superheroes, pirate, bottle of rum…odd group to say the least, but all nice,
friendly, ready to do this people.
After checking our bags, we were ready to go. We started walking…and walking…and
walking. We weren’t allowed to have our
phones or a watch, so I really don’t know how long we walked. I know that people “beeped” and yelled at us
all through this trip. We stopped and
did what someone called “military push-ups” and butterfly kicks and
squats. We would do all these and then
at “10”, we would have to hold in place.
Oh my goodness…talk about hurt.
Then we started back walking again.
Our next stop…that seemed like miles later…we did more squats…this time
holding the heavy backpack over our head…remember, there is a weight in my
Seriously…seriously?!?!?!? We get
finished with lots of those squats and then head up the stairs…yes, I said
stairs. We get to this open area and I’m
thinking “we’re about to run…I can run”.
Nope. We’re not running. We’re about to carry someone over our
shoulders. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!
First of all, I do not like people to touch me…and I
DEFINITELY don’t like to touch people…especially sweaty people…but that’s where
we’re going. So the good thing is that C
(my life group friend) and I picked each other as partners. Now, this is no piggy back ride…this is grab
their hand, put your hand through their legs and left them over your shoulders
kind of ride. So I’m about to cry at
this point…I mean, this is sooooo out of my comfort zone and I wanted to do
this so bad, but I just didn’t know if I could do it. Cadre kept saying “you can do this”…so I
squatted, took a deep breath, said my verse that I said all day (Philippians
4:13) and...and I did!!!! I actually
lifted her on my shoulders!!!! And then
I looked and I had to carry her across the field…we laughed all the way across
as our team cheered! I did it! I ACTUALLY DID IT!!!!!
So on the way back, I’m thinking I’m just gonna
walk…nope…it’s time to switch partners.
Ummm….no. The last four was me,
two life group members and a guy I didn’t know.
Looks like I’m with the guy I didn’t know cuz the life group members
that are left are married. Oh. My.
Goodness. Cadre tells him to
carry me. Seriously. SERIOUSLY!?!?!? I can’t stand for people to touch me…and at
least I had a friend I was lifting on the way there. And you know how it actually works…this guy
is sweating and I’m just cringing. Not
that he’s mean or bad…but that:
I don’t like germs…sweat is germy.
I don’t like people to touch me…I don’t know
The combination makes my heart hurt.
He carries me across…I look at Cadre and mouth “don’t let
him drop me” and he says “it’s okay…I’m right here”. My heart is racing. I am holding my breath. But he makes it…and I land on my feet. And thank the Good Lord that I’ve made it
through that interesting ordeal.
Then we walked through the fountains…cuz there’s nothing
like walking through water when you’re already hot and sweaty….felt good, felt
cold, and now I could feel the blisters.
As we’re walking, people are helping others with their
backpacks, trading pumpkins, talking, huffing and puffing….all in costume…all
happening in downtown Nashville. Oh yeah, we had to bring pumpkins to this
event also…we did pumpkin bowling and near the end, we had a pumpkin carving
contest. Funny how many people brought a
knife to this event…funny…and scary.
Then comes time for the last walk to where we started….and
we have to do a dance to the song “The Monster Mash”…and what does my friend
do? Call me out and say “hey, we’ve got
a music teacher here”. So on the way
back, I was allowed to listen to the music and come up with a dance
number. This time FLEW BY…and I think
it’s because I got to listen to music. I
mean, I felt better, had a pep in my step, I was happier. I NEED MUSIC!!!!!!
We get back to the park and I’ve choreographed a dance (as
best I could while walking with a weight, feet hurting, been doing this for 4 ½
hours kind of dance). The Cadre seemed
pleased, the people seemed pleased and did everything I asked, and by the
end…it was done.
Our life group walked back to the car…taking off my shoes
never felt so good! I could already see
the blisters, the smell of myself almost knocked me over, my head itched with
dirt, my clothes were stuck to me…it wasn’t pretty. I changed clothes in the car and felt like a
new person. We went to eat and I was
craving carbs…chips, rice, bread…anything. We headed home…and I was in the shower and in
bed by 10:30pm…what a day.
I can home and wrapped by toes...boy did they hurt...and yesterday, I had an x-ray on my foot and I have a stress injury...from walking on the side of my foot (subconsciously) because of the blisters...but remember...I completed it! I earned my badge...EARNED IT!!!!!!
So why in the world did I do this? Why did I spend an entire Saturday walking
about Nashville carrying weight? Why did
I miss the game of my kiddos last football game before playoffs? Why did I do this to myself?
I wanted to prove to myself that I could get through it…that
I was physically strong. That I actually
could keep up with people that are strong.
That I am someone that can do something for me, yet it be completely out
of my comfort zone…but I can prove to myself that I am strong. STRONG!!!!!
So even though I was gone a day away from my family…a day
where I missed games, parties, and family…I am glad that I went. I am proud that made it through. And I am amazed that God put me in Our Life
by Numbers!
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