We we got in the plane, it was full of people and they didn't look like they wanted to move. We finally found a group of three and one guy was going to sit there.....I kinda looked at him with my "mother" look....
Man: I'm guessing you'd like to sit here with your kids?
Me: Yes.
Man: (HUGE sigh) Fine.
Me: Thank you...you're too kind.
...I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!! Why would you sigh? Would YOU like to sit with my kids? I could probably use the break. You can tell them how much longer. You can hold their hand if they're scared. You can get up and down as they have to pee. Whatever dude....
So we got split since there are no "five seats" together. Hubby took #3 and I took #1 and #2.....
#1: Are we in first class?
Me: HA!
#1: No? What class are we in?
Me: Last class.
#1: WOW! Last class is amazing! I can't wait to see first class!
....I like how it doesn't take much to make these #s happy! :-)
As I'm dealing with this....
....yes, that is #1 nervous about the flight and #2 telling him numerous ways of how our flight could go wrong. And I'm in the middle....and then we hear this lady....laughing....loudly....she's obviously had a little too much to drink and she's giggling. Wait a second....she's beside Hubby...and he's pastoring her. What?!?!?! He's the only one that could be on vacation and still work and we haven't even left the city yet....
Me: So...we heard the lady you were beside.
Hubby: Yeah, she was a little drunk. Let out a few words....
Me: IN FRONT OF #3!?!?!?!?
Hubby: Yes. And then she asked what I did for a living...and then I had to counsel her the rest of the flight. How was your flight?
Me: Much more enjoyable than yours!
We got to the condo around 1:30am and we were exhausted. Yes....I made the #s take a shower...I mean, we gotta keep some kind of routine...even if it is 1:30am. They were already excited to find their pillows from Popei and Jojo on the couch waiting for them....
....boy was #2 upset. So we took him out in the sprinkles. I mean, we're at the beach, who cares if it's sprinkling, right?!?!? They had the best time! They loved seeing all the shells. They loves feeling the warm water. They were so happy....and relaxed....and getting along. I knew it wouldn't last long, but I'll take what I can get!
So every day we'd get up and go to the beach and then the pool and then come inside during the hottest parts of the day and then eat dinner out with the family and then back to the pool or beach. I told you, we like a schedule.
Sunday we went shopping after church. I'll explain church in a later post...trust me, it's a whole different post. We went shopping because the boys were burned...yes, even the Hubby. So we went into all these stores that I used to go in when I was little. There was this one store I wanted to go to that sold key lime everything. I mean, key lime cookies, key lime marmalade, key lime taffy, key lime cake mix, key lime seasonings....I love key lime flavor and this store has been there since I was a little girl. So, of course, my excitement is through the roof as we walk in.....
Me: I LOVE this place! We went here to get key lime stuff when I was a little girl!!!
#3: This place stinks.
Me: Look! There's key lime cookies....and key lime salt....and key lime....
#3: Seriously...this place smells horrible. Can we go? My nose can't stand it anymore.
Me: Take in those smells! They are spices!
#3: My nose is sad....look....even this frog thinks it smells bad in here.
....and he immediately pointed to a salt and pepper shaker that had a frog covering his mouth and nose. I gotta give it to #3, he's quick with the comebacks.
We had a fabulous trip, but our trip had to come to an end eventually. As you can see from this picture, even the pillows had tears....
....it was nice to hear how much fun the #s had on this trip! I'm glad that we got to spend some time with my family!
So to end our trip, we flew home....and that's when I think I'll never fly again. First let me say, that we were some of the last people to board and so we had to split up. I was in tears and the flight attendant made a lady move. I sat with #2, Hubby sat across the aisle from #3, and #1 sat two rows up from #3. I just hated that we were split. And then we were in the very back of the plane. Did you know that the people in the back of the plane can feel every bump? Did you know there are bumps in the air? Have you ever felt the plane drop a bit? I felt like my insides were gonna come through my nose. We hit turbulence pretty hard and that's about the time they were serving drinks. I drank my Diet Dr. Pepper like it was a shot and it did nothing to calm my nerves. I might need something stronger next time....like a full Dr. Pepper.
As we're going through turbulence, #2 continues to talk to the kid that is beside him about sports and video games. They've had great conversations all through the flight and then....
#2: So do you go to church?
Kid: Occasionally.
#2: Occasionally? What does that mean?
Kid: Occasionally...sometimes we go, but not all the time.
#2: Well, then you need to come to Bowling Green or Glasgow or Morgantown Kentucky and come with me to Crossland...I bet you'd go more than occasionally after you visited with us.
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