But guess what....that's okay. How many people love the job they go to every day? Nobody. I mean, some people don't like the people they live with every day, but they live with them. You can tell me that you love your job every second of the day, but I know you're lying. There's a person that gets on your nerve or an application that never works correctly or a squeaky chair that the person in the cubicle next to you will never fix. Nobody is perfect....and there isn't a perfect career.
But I found MY perfect career.....I teach children. I do get to teach the best subject ever.....I mean, you can't get better than teaching music all day....singing....playing instruments....dancing...but I also teach children. I get to be in their lives every week, hopefully being a positive role model. Do they see me fail...ummmm....yes. Do they see me say the wrong note on the board or play a wrong note on the piano? Yes. Do they see me dance and look ridiculous? Everyday. But I learn from them ever day. I mean every....single....day.
What I've learned this year.....
1. My kiddos think I taught Beethoven because I love talking about him.
2. Greeting them at the door each day makes some of those kiddos act 10 times better....and I have no idea why.
3. Elementary school boys like to dance much more than elementary school girls.
4. Anytime I can act silly, the kiddos love to copy it.
5. As they leave my room singing a song, it makes my heart happy because the lesson got to them...and gets them in trouble because they aren't following hallway procedures.
6. The louder the music, the better.
7. Kiddos love when you say "I was going to give you a test, but now I'm not".
8. I love when they hug me and say "music is my favorite class"....even if they said that to the P.E. teacher just thirty minutes ago.
9. Some of the most poorly behaved kiddos will do great in music class.
10. It's a shock to people to see that musicians are organized.
11. No one complains when the music teacher wears tennis shoes every day cuz they know she's moving all the time.
12. Dressing in a costume makes everybody wonder about what you're up to....and makes more people pop in your room.
13. Other teachers are my friends....and that's a good thing.....and I've got to learn to accept that I can be friends with other adults....even though a ton wouldn't understand what I do.
14. The Christmas/Winter/Holiday concert makes my skin crawl with the thought of complaints.....but I do it for the kiddos!
15. If I wear something other than black clothing, people comment on it all day....and even ask if I'm okay.
16. I'll fight for my kiddos and their music education any day....the thought of taking music out of schools or making music feel second class makes my blood boil.
17. My kiddos continually ask if I can pull their tooth....ummm....no.
18. When my kiddos see me out in public, telling them that I live in a house makes them question their existence.
19. When instruments are out in the music room, classroom behavior is amazing!
20. The kiddos think nothing about their music teacher singing what is going to happen in class that day.
21. When you can do "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" as fast as the kiddos, you just earned some major brownie points.
22. Hearing the Choir sing so beautifully makes my eyes water....and it will quickly make the kiddos know how much I love them.
23. Being able to walk in class and the entire group of kiddos are singing a song together lets me know that I'm doing something right.
24. When you tell your class that you're not a "Latin Specialist" so we're just gonna do the best we can with this song, they know you're real.
25. Meeting with kiddos before and after school to get competition music rehearsed is the most gratifying experience because they know you're dedicated to them.
26. Cheering them on in a football, basketball or soccer game makes them smile....so does yelling at the ref.
27. Laughing cuz we all messed up singing or dancing makes the world a better place.
28. Having a student bring a half used pencil to you just because it has a music note on it and they thought of you should make your heart melt.
29. Showing toe socks to your class makes most of the class giggle....and some roll their eyes.
30. Being told that they're gonna miss you so much because they are moving breaks my heart.
31. Having a child with special needs hug you or sit in your lap makes your heart turn to goo.
32. Seeing that light bulb come on when learning the notes to the staff makes me want to do cartwheels!
33. Seeing kiddos sign up for music classes for the junior high years let's me know that I had a little part in getting them in that direction.
34. Kiddos have no problem asking for things....including your watch and your wedding ring.
35. Sometimes you just have to overlook what has come out of their mouth because you know they learned that at home.
36. They are kids. They are kids now and they will be kids at the age of 18. I have to remember that they need to be guided....and I hope I guide and never hinder or expect more from them than they can handle, but I push them when needed.
No matter how many kiddos I teach in a week, I know that God has put me there for a reason. I know that there is a life that I'm supposed to touch, a smile I'm supposed to show, a hug I'm supposed to give, or a kind word I'm supposed to say....and it won't only be for that kiddo, but it will also be for me. As another school year comes to a close, I think about all those children I teach...those precious children that come from all walks of life....and I keep telling myself that through all the pain, joy, excitement, craziness, confusing times, sadness, and happiness that they are going through that hopefully I have made a positive difference in their lives....cuz I know they've made a difference in mine....and our life by numbers!
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